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My Profile

Hey There .. ! I Am Harsh Sharma , Second Year CSE UnderGrad Student In SRM IST , Chennai

I am A Data Sciene Enthusiast & Machine Learning Developer , who loves to work on projects belonging to Data Science Domain , By using a wide-range of sources Available from Kaggle and other data-sharing platforms , to make some accessible models , by Applying appropriate analytical skills and algorithms.

I Have Recently started working on Github And Kaggle to Collab with people showing same love and interest in the Data Science Domain, and have worked with some of the following Data Science Modules :

  • Data Visualization & Analysing
  • Computer Vision
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Deep Learning
  • Neural Networks
  • Web Development

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My Education

Bachelor of Technology, B.Tech

2019 - 2023


  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Specialisation in Big Data Analytics
  • CGPA: 9.85

Senior Secondary Education- CBSE


2017 - 2019

Secondary Education-CBSE



  • CGPA: 10


Machine Learning 85%
Data Visualization90%
Deep Learning80%
Data Analysis90%
Natural Langauage Processing85%
Computer Vision75%
Web Development75%
Competetive Programming60%









By Using My Analytical Skills And Suitable Algorithms , I Have Worked On Various Projects based on Data Science , Machine Learning & Deep Learning Domain. I Have also worked in Non-Tech Domains , like volunterring , Informals & Guest Handling in College Festivals.

Technical Experience

Machine Learning Developer


Platform- GitHub & Kaggle

I Have been working on some ML Based Projects recently on GitHub

Data Analysing & Visualization


Platform- GitHub, Kaggle & Jupyter Notebook

I Have been working on Real World based datasets , obtained from kaggle , and i try to analyse and withdraw some Visualizations from the data based on its features



Platform- Udemy,Coursera

I had completed a few courses based on Machine Learning and Data Science on Udemy and Coursera

Non-Tech Experience

Committee Member


AARUUSH-Tech Festival

I Have been a member of an organising committee in Aaruush, A National Level Techno Management Fest.



AARUUSH-Tech Festival

I Have done some volunteering for an organising committee in Aaruush, A National Level Techno Management Fest.



MILAN-Cultural Festival

I Have done some volunteering for a Informals committee, to ensure proper functioning of discipline in events in MILAN , cultural festival of our College


Being A Data Science Enthusiast , I have done some projects recently based on Data Science Domain , Machine Learninig , Deep Learning ,Natural Language Processing, Data Analysing & Visualization Domain , By Applying My Analytical Skills And Suitable Algorithms. Here , I have Presented My Projects that i have worked on recently , which are also Available at My GitHub Profile :

  • All
  • Ml
  • DL
  • NLP
  • EDA
  • Web

COVID-19 Exploratory Data Analysis

I Have performed an Exploratory Data Analysis on COVID-19 Dataset , obtained from John Hopkins University's Offical Github Repository.

IPL Exploratory Data Analysis

I Have performed an Exploratory Data Analysis on Indian Premier League's [ IPL ] Made Up Dataset , Using Some Basic Python Libraries.

House Price Estimation

Using Linear Regression , Sklearn based machine learning algorithm, i have made a model which can predict a house's price , based on its features , in a given dataset.

Fuel Consumption Analysis

Using Linear Regression , Sklearn based machine learning algorithm, i have made a model which can analyse average fuel consumption of a vehicle, based on its features in a given dataset.


Using Linear Regression , Sklearn based machine learning algorithm, i have made a model which can analyse e-commerece business, and can tell at which part to focus for gaining profit ,based on its features in a given dataset.

Customer Churn Analysis

Using Logistic Regression , Sklearn based machine learning algorithm, i have made a model which can predict whether a customer would stay loyal or not [Churn], to a particular company, based on its features in a given dataset.

Titanic Survival Analysis

Using Logistic Regression , Sklearn based machine learning algorithm, i have made a model which tries to predict whether or not , passenger would have survived the famous titanic wreckage, based on their features in a given dataset.

Simple Movie Recommender

Using Pearson Correlation , Sklearn based machine learning algorithm, i have made a simple model which tries to recommend some movies based on user's interests, based on their features in a given dataset.

Movie Recommender - Content Filtering

Using Cosine similarity and Pearson correlation , i have made a simple model which tries to recommend some movies based on user's interests, using conent based filtering, based on their features in a given dataset.

Movie Recommender - Collaborative Filtering

Using Cosine Similarity and Pearson correlation , i have made a simple model which tries to recommend some movies based on different user's interests,using collaborative filtering, based on their features in a given dataset.

Iris Species Classification - KNN

Using K Nearest Neighbours [KNN], i have made a model which tries to classify Iris's Species Labels, Using KNN Algorithm , based on their features in a given dataset.

Classified Data Analysis

Using K Nearest Neighbours [KNN], i have made a model which tries to classify Labels for a Classified Dataset, Using KNN Algorithm , based on their features in a given dataset.

Customer Segmentation - KMeans

Using K Means Clustering Algorithm, i have made a model which tries to cluster or make groups of customers for a Mall Dataset for economic stratagies formation, based on their features in a given dataset.

Cancer Prediction Analysis

Using Support Vector Machines Algorithm[SVM], i have made a model which tries to predict whether a patient has been diagnosed with cancer or not , based on their features in a given dataset.

Iris Species Classification - SVM

Using Support Vector Machines Algorithm [SVM], i have made a model which tries to classify Iris's Species Labels, Using KNN Algorithm , based on their features in a given dataset.

Loan Default Analysis

Using Random Forest And Decision Trees Algorithm , i have made a model which tries to predict whether a bank would grant loan to a person or not, based on their features in a given dataset.

Kyphosis Disease Analysis

Using Random Forest And Decision Trees Algorithm , i have made a model which tries to predict whether a person has Kyphosis , a type of Disease or not, based on their features in a given dataset.

Spam Detection Filter Using NLP

Using Natural Language Processing and Naive Bayes Algorithm, i have made a simple model based filter , which tries to predict whether a specific word or message would be ham [Normal Message] OR Spam [Unwanted or Commercial Message] , based on their features in a given dataset.

Fake News Classifier-NLP

Using Natural Language Processing and Naive Bayes Algorithm, i have made a simple model based Classifier , which tries to predict whether a specific news is fake or genuine , based on their features in a given dataset.

YELP Review Analysis-NLP

Using Natural Language Processing and Naive Bayes Algorithm, i have made a simple model based Classifier , which analyses or tries to predict whether a specific review on YELP is good or bad , based on their features in a given dataset.

US Airline Tweets Sentiment Analysis-NLP

Using Natural Language Processing and Naive Bayes Algorithm, i have made a simple model based Classifier , which analyses or tries to perform a sentiment analysis , whether a particular tweet about US Airlines is good or bad , based on their features in a given dataset.This dataset has been taken from Kaggle.

IMDB Sentiment Analysis-NLP

Using Natural Language Processing and Naive Bayes Algorithm, i have made a simple model based Classifier , which analyses or tries to perform a sentiment analysis , whether a particular movie review is good or bad , based on their features in a given dataset.This dataset has been taken from Kaggle.

House Price Estimation- ANN

Using TensorFlow With Keras , i have built a Artificial Neural Network , which tries to predict price of a house , based on their features in a given dataset.

Cancer Predcition Classifier- ANN

Using TensorFlow With Keras , i have built a Artificial Neural Network , which tries to classify whether a person would be diagnosed with Cancer or not , based on their features in a given dataset.

MNIST Handwritten Digits Classifier- CNN

Using TensorFlow With Keras , i have built a Convolutional Neural Network for image recognition, which tries to identify a hand written image and it's correct label as digit , based on their features in a given dataset.

CIFAR-10 Dataset - CNN

Using TensorFlow With Keras , i have built a Convolutional Neural Network for image recognition, which tries to identify a corrct image and it's correct label ,out of 10 different images , based on their features in a given dataset.

Sine Wave- RNN

Using TensorFlow With Keras , i have built a Recurrent Neural Network , which tries to forecast sequences for a simple Sine Wave , based on their features in a given dataset.

Clothing Analysis & Forecasting - RNN

Using TensorFlow With Keras , i have built a Recurrent Neural Network , which tries to predict or forecast Annual Sales sequences from a dataset , based on their features that given dataset.

Simple Portfolio Based Website

Using HTML,CSS ,Javascript , I have designed a simple portfolio website .I have used some javascript based animations , like WOW Animation JS And Particle Animation.

Portfolio Based Website

Using Bootstrap ,HTML,CSS and Javascript , I have designed a portfolio website .I have used some javascript based animations , like Animation On Scroll JS,Typed JS And Particle Animation JS.



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